Learning Strategies You Need to Succeed with Online Learning

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Since the lockdown of 2020, the term “Online education” has left a bad taste in many parents’ mouths. However, if implemented with the proper learning strategies, you can embrace online learning and its benefits. It revolutionizes learning while providing flexibility and accessibility for many students and their parents.

These learning strategies will enhance the learning experience and promote your student’s engagement. Whether you are a working professional looking to further your education or a busy parent seeking to balance learning with other responsibilities, online education can be a convenient and effective option for advancing your knowledge and skills.

Virtual Classrooms: The Future of Learning

A phrase I hear from parents who have struggling students is that their child “doesn’t do well online” or “does better with in-person learning.” These same children go to an in-person school and do in-person work with an “in-person” teacher and still struggle. This tells me that the format of the class isn’t the problem. (Because if that were the case, they would be excelling in school)

Or, some parents dread the thought of online learning after flashbacks of being on lockdown with a child doing online education for the first time. These data points and experiences should not be used to completely eliminate online learning from your child because it would deprive your child of a much-needed skill for the future.

Online learning is something your child will need to know how to navigate. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 53% of students were enrolled in at least one online college course. Students with early exposure to basic online learning skills (like typing or utilizing a search engine) will have greater success than those exposed to it at an older age. Students with more exposure to online learning have a better success rate in school and will ultimately have a higher earning potential as adults.

Overcoming the Challenges of Online Learning

Online learning does come with its set of challenges, especially when you’re introducing it to small children. These common challenges include technical difficulties, lack of face-to-face interaction, and self-motivation. However, after implementing these learning strategies, you can overcome them.

Set the Space

The most successful online students have created spaces at home that promote comfort and creativity and eliminate the anxiety of being in a physical classroom or with students who are more focused on socializing and fitting in with “cliques.” Additionally, virtual classrooms often utilize interactive tools that can support their learning needs, such as audio read-aloud programs, vocabulary supports, and questions in discussion forums that mimic the familiar social media feel (Ex: Padlet, an online discussion board you can like, comment, and even post memes to, regarding the topic you’re learning about).

Consider creating a dedicated study space for your child to combat these challenges. I set a diffuser by my desk with a scent that promotes focus. I did the same thing for the students in my classroom. That way, students associate that smell with a cue that it’s time to start learning.

Lighting is also important! You want to avoid sitting them in the dark, but make sure to have lights that meet the needs of your students. Many kids are unaware that they are overly stimulated because of lighting. So, provide your children with options and experiment to see what lighting they learn best with. This can be something like a small lamp or a changing colored lamp to create a calm environment and prepare them to learn.

The area where your child learns daily is essential to their success. Ideally, students should have separate areas for separate activities. The bed is for sleeping only! My most successful students have a particular desk or table as their workstation, far away from distractions.

Remember, online learning thrives on flexibility, convenience, and consistency, and once you find what works best for you, stick to it!

Effective Learning Strategies in Virtual Classrooms

Staying organized and setting a routine in virtual classrooms is crucial to improving focus. Due to the makeup of our human eyes, we must take a break from the computer every twenty minutes. You could also invest in a blue light shield or blue light glasses to prevent your child from getting headaches and irritability. Taking breaks is essential to avoid burnout and maintain concentration. In our virtual classrooms, we take a quick “wiggle break” every twenty-five minutes, where students dance with their tutors or participate in mindful activities to help them reset.

Time Management Techniques

Setting a consistent schedule is key. Not only will a consistent learning schedule become a cue for learning, but it will also be a physical cue so students know it is time to start homework or their virtual tutoring group. 

Effective time management is also crucial for success in online education. These online learning strategies will also promote independence and self-reliance, so students don’t need reminders about their expectations during class. Here are some techniques to teach your children to help them manage their time efficiently in virtual classrooms:

      • Prioritizing tasks by importance

      • Create a daily schedule to allocate time for studying and breaks

      • Use time-blocking to dedicate specific times to different tasks

      • Minimize distractions by setting up a designated study space

      • Taking regular breaks to stay focused and avoid burnout

    Communication Skills in Online Learning

    Communication skills are crucial for success in online education. Clear and effective communication becomes even more important in virtual classrooms when students aren’t physically present with their instructors and peers.

    Here are some phrases and engagement tips you can teach your child to use when they are learning to help them advocate for themselves:

        • “Can I go in a breakout room with you?” (Asking the teacher)

        • How to utilize the chat to ask the teacher a question

        • Using different platform’s engagement features to raise their hand

        • Understanding the proper time to turn cameras on and cameras off.

      By teaching your child these communication skills, you can maximize their learning experience and build strong connections with their virtual classmates and teachers.

      Building a Support System

      Having a support system is crucial for success in online education. Here are some tips to help you build a strong support system:

          • Stay connected with your classmates and instructors through safe online platforms. (Some students play online games together, like Roblox or Minecraft).

          • Older students can join virtual study groups to collaborate and share ideas. This website lists five safe platforms to help students find study groups.

          • Reach out to your friends and family for emotional support and encouragement. If other people are involved in your child’s learning, ensure they are updated on new programs or tutoring you’re participating in.

          • Find communities of parents to help. If you don’t have a physical community you want to rely on, you can seek advice and support from an online community. I created one for parents who need reading help at home. Click here to check us out.

        •  Remember, a strong support system rooted in positivity can help you stay motivated and overcome challenges in your virtual classroom journey. If you need help creating a community of advocates for your child, listen to my podcast below

        Remember This

        Sometimes, we fear something different based on our previous experiences. Remember that when implemented correctly, online learning can be a critical tool to enhance your child’s learning. Whether you’re the learner or raising a learner (or both), continue to lead with grace, and success will follow.

        nice to meet you!

        I’m Gabriell, and I’ve dedicated my career to helping struggling students improve their reading.
        I created the Innovative Literacy Process and I am the owner of The Innovative Learners Tutoring Agency. With over fifteen years of tutoring and teaching, I taught over 500 students in total how to improve in reading and have a 98% success rate by implementing my Innovative Literacy Process.

        Hi! I'M GABRIELL

        nice to meet you!

        I’m Gabriell, and I’ve dedicated my career to helping struggling students improve their reading. I created the Innovative Literacy Process and I am the owner of The Innovative Learners Tutoring Agency. With over fifteen years of tutoring and teaching

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